Tickell Expressions

Friday 8 January 2016

Steadfast - Luke 9:51

Hello Friends,

As promised, I am back with another creative meditation on my Logos 365 word, Steadfast. If you are wondering what that is, hop over to His Kingdom Come or simply read my post from yesterday.

Another word for steadfast is resolute. Luke 9:51 says,

"As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem."

When we received the Spirit's call to sell everything and move from Ontario to Prince Edward Island in 2003, we had no idea of the years of hardship that were ahead of us. I wonder if we would have been so resolute if we had.

Yet, before we left, a dear praying saint told us, by unction of the Holy Spirit, "Oh it is going to be hard. It is going to be really, really hard."

Of all the prophetic prayers and messages we were given by others before leaving; most of them very joyful; this was the one that later brought me the most comfort. But at the time, I rejected it.

I didn't know the suffering that awaited me when we moved to this beautiful island, but I still believe the plans God has for me (and my family) are good. His plans are for his glory and my reward.

Thank you for visiting my blog today. I wish you many blessings on your day.

Blessing hugs,


Anonymous said...

What a great idea using tags for keeping your Word in front this year. I love the stringing the tags together idea. So far, I am using Bernie's journal strips and made mine as bookmarks that I can disburse throughout my Bible reading this year to keep it handy. My word is Renew. I like your Steadfast. :)

Crafting With Jack said...

"Steadfast" is a great word to choose.